Wednesday 16 March 2011


A point in time, an instant of bliss,
That is all that this moment is
The very next second, its existence is lost,
Just like a raindrop about to frost.

Make some use of it, render a memory super-hit
Or make it just pass by, allow the time to fly,
The choice is yours my dear friend,
Whether to make it count in the end

Stand up against the injustice around
Smell the sweet earth and the rusty ground
Make a friend of an enemy now
Shake hands and take a deep bow

One hearty laugh with old friends
One bear Hug to make amends
One act of charity and spread cheer
One beautiful kiss that lasts forever

Say 'I love you' and mean it
Freeze this moment and seal it
Make every instant of this life memorable
Lets make a life simply unforgettable!!


  1. This is so you! And I know now where it comes from too! :-)

  2. really nice to read...makes u remember those moments u made worthwhile and also those which u could have made...but thers much more moments to come for sure...
