Wednesday 16 March 2011

The 'Happy' Feeling

This is my 50th post.. And I have to say. I am very Happy.. But the Theory of The 'Happy' Feeling is something that i will share with the world today. I had promised a close friend that this would be dedicated to him and will be my 50th post. :)

SO what do I mean by the 'Happy' Feeling... Well, essentially, it is that warm, fuzzy, butterfly feeling that you have when you are crushing on someone. The theory is that when you have a crush on someone, you are in general very happy. And its like the universe seems to you a combination of things that make you Happy. 

You try to find that person in every good and beautiful thing around.. Every happy song has a reference to them.. When you are at the beach, you want to hold their hand.. You want them to be next to you when the sun sets and the twilight sky seems the second most beautiful thing in the world. There is a smile on your face whenever you see them or when they notice you. You have butterflies in your stomach when you talk to them.. you want to say a lot, but don't want to embarrass yourself! ;) And still every time their name or face comes to your mind, you can't help but smile. Your heart is full of joy when you are around them.

And the best part, this isn't a relationship, so there are no expectations and nothing to tie you down. Its unconditional and generally one-way. That is what makes it even better.

Cheers to this feeling and Cheers to you if you've ever been a victim of this!! :)
The feeling is simply Awesome!! :)