Monday, 22 August 2011


It is one thing everyone is eager for
The farmer, the children with eyes sore
When the heat simply gets to you
Pleasing the rain gods, you pursue

And then comes a shower to make you smile
The first rains and the earth smells divine
The smile on every child’s face
The relief on a farmer’s tired gaze

The farmer prays for good rains
His life depends on his grains
He may have a good year’s harvest
And afford his wife a bangles set

The child wrestles through the summer
His school reopens with rains bumper
Its new books, new classes and a new timetable
Rains mean a new year, new friends and a new fable

And we try to get to work dry
Enjoy the delicious bhajia-fry
Romantic are those long drives
Get soaked in the rains on Marine Drive

The Europeans hate it, but they don’t know
India loves the rains and the chaos that follows
For us the green is prosperity and boon
We simply love our very own monsoon

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