Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Friends Worth A Lifetime (4) : Pooja

Some of the most memorable times with Pooja :)

Me and Pooja have been friends for the past several years... I dont even remember exactly when did we actually become friends.. but we became close friends in std 10th.. Mahesh Tutorials.. Part of the gang of girls who hated Prasanna sir!! Niyati and Sana completed the scenario... Life moved on.. college came along. But our friendship stayed.. It helped that her parents loved me and my parents adored her. It was like both sets of parents have 2 daughters. Yess.. She was more than just a friend.. a sister.. a guide.. a companion.. a friend.. a mirror.. a pillar of strength.. a shoulder to rely upon.. always there.. smiling..

There is no particular thing that I love the most.. The whole package is simply awesome!!
She's patient and always lends a ear to anything I have to say anytime. She can anytime manage to make me smile. We share the same values and thoughts in so many different things that its difficult to keep track of. We have cried with each other, we have cried for each other, we have laughed like crazy, we have done crazy things and always been glad that the other one was in it too.

Some relationships in life cant be expressed with just words.. Given any day, I know that I'll definitely have one person to fall back on whether i need a hug or convince my parents about my choices in life. Luv you Pooja for being that one person. Have a great bday!! (yeah.. its her bday today!)

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