This post actually comes in the middle of my mid semester exam. here i am in a hostel full of people who are just mugging their way to exams. I should've realised that even though i am in a professional management course, people here are the same fellows who've mugged their way all through exams in life. What gave me the right to expect people to understand and write stuff?!?!?!? I mean, they havent done it all life, why do they need to do it now...? Fair enough. valid question. why now..??
The answer i believe is that, you took this course up by choice... and when it is your choice, your 'doing-it-for-the-heck-of-it' attitude is just not what it ought to be. But they say that some subjects are of our choice, the others are not. But they all are instrumental to us learning how actually things happen in the real business world
Still, I would actualy peg that students dont make an effort to understand everything:
1. Teachers don't bring in a perspective where the student can relate to it.
2. Students want to stay focused, and just be good at whatever they are good at.
3. We've been groomed right from day one to 'study' things from an exam perspective only.
I wish, students could enjoy the life of being a student... Look at exams as if its 'just another thing' and not a 'do or die' thing... Exams were just an evaluation tool and not a memory meter.. And i wish, how everyone could just love studying.. the pleasure of knowing more about the subject, one is so fond of... the glory of that new bit of information acquired and what implications it had on the world.. the high of doing something of your own.. talking for hours and hours about it to people who exactly know its value... i mean, yeah... my notions would sound sooooo utopian, but that is what it is supposed to be now, isnt it...??
Wish, someday we'll like exams... alas.. doesn't seem so for my generation..!!
Hmmmm....when we become the generation taking care of the next generation, we should bear this in mind before we start implementing the same ideas on them. Till then, lets learn to live with both....enjoying things we do and sticking to the system once in a while! ;-)